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Save your Bouquet

Now taking bookings for 2025 & 2026. Scroll down to find out 'how it works', 'Flower Preservation Options' and Pricing. 


How it works

Most brides only realise how special their bouquet is on their wedding day, don't miss out! Reserve your date with a £50 deposit and drop off or post your flowers to BT66 within 3 days of your wedding. Many brides/grooms plan with a member of the bridal party to handle the bouquet between the wedding and arriving with me. Your flowers will be delicately preserved, this process takes around 4 weeks. After this time I will be working on your order and will be in touch to arrange a delivery.


2024 Wedding Help NI Awards

Floral Preservationist of the Year

All Frame Options

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Luxury Deep Frame

14" - £365
16" - £395

14"/16" - 60mm deep with UV Glass

Frame Options: Black/White

Backing/Mount - Comes as white by default, can be updated to any colour preference. 


Traditional Deep Frame


35cm by 35cm - 40mm deep with Perspex Glass

Frame Options: Black/White

Backing/Mount - Either Black or White. 

View video of difference between Luxury & Tradtional

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Pressed Frame

21cm by 30cm - £295
30cm by 40cm - £395

Frame options: Black/White & Gold for (30x40)

Gold Hanging Frame

20cm by 25cm - £160

Only available as add-on


Scattered Petals

21cm by 30cm - £100
30cm by 40cm - £140

Frame options: Black/White/Gold


Small Frame

20cm by 25cm - 30mm deep

Frame options: Black/White




Available in Black, Dark Oak, Light Oak
14.5cm x 17cm 

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